Internet Tricks

1. Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player Have the Capability to Play Videos with all most all Video Formats , Probably this is the One reason Why VLC media player is the most Prefered Media player,  But Do you know that We Can even Watch Youtube Videos in VLC ? Yes we can, We do not require Browser to Watch Youtube Videos, VLC will do that job for you very Well. I already Shared 5 Cool Youtube Tricks that You Must Know

You can not only Watch single Video in VLC  but also Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC to watch them in Sequence,Some More Advantages of Watching Youtube Videos In VLC Media player are:

  • Watch Youtube Videos without Ads, Means no Disturbance While Watching your Favourite Video.
  • Use Loop Button To Watch a Video Again and again Many times.
  • Increase or Decrease the Speed of the Video
  • Take Snapshots of any particular Screen of a Song or Movie.

How to Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player

Now let us Get Started With Steps to Watch Youtube Videos In VLC, Follow the Below Simple Steps.

Step 1: Open VLC media player, Click on File > Open Network Or Simply Use CTRL+N Keys to Open up Network URL Dialog box.

Step 2: Open Youtube, Navigate to Whatever Video you want to Play in VLC, Copy the Url of that video and Paste it in the Dialogue Box. and Click on Play.

Step 3: Enjoy Your Video.

Simple Enough hah, Now Let us see How to Watch Youtube Playlist In VLC Media Player.

Step 1: To Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC we will be Using an addon, So Click here to Goto the Downloading Page of the VLC addon Called VLC Playlist Parser. Make sure you have Latest Version of VLC Running on your system.

VLC Media Player Have the Capability to Play Videos with all most all Video Formats , Probably this is the One reason Why VLC media player is the most Prefered Media player,  But Do you know that We Can even Watch Youtube Videos in VLC ? Yes we can, We do not require Browser to Watch Youtube Videos, VLC will do that job for you very Well. I already Shared 5 Cool Youtube Tricks that You Must Know

You can not only Watch single Video in VLC  but also Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC to watch them in Sequence,Some More Advantages of Watching Youtube Videos In VLC Media player are:

  • Watch Youtube Videos without Ads, Means no Disturbance While Watching your Favourite Video.
  • Use Loop Button To Watch a Video Again and again Many times.
  • Increase or Decrease the Speed of the Video
  • Take Snapshots of any particular Screen of a Song or Movie.

How to Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player

Now let us Get Started With Steps to Watch Youtube Videos In VLC, Follow the Below Simple Steps.

Step 1: Open VLC media player, Click on File > Open Network Or Simply Use CTRL+N Keys to Open up Network URL Dialog box.

Step 2: Open Youtube, Navigate to Whatever Video you want to Play in VLC, Copy the Url of that video and Paste it in the Dialogue Box. and Click on Play.

Step 3: Enjoy Your Video.

Simple Enough hah, Now Let us see How to Watch Youtube Playlist In VLC Media Player.

Step 1: To Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC we will be Using an addon, So Click here to Goto the Downloading Page of the VLC addon Called VLC Playlist Parser. Make sure you have Latest Version of VLC Running on your system.

Step 2: Download the addon, Copy it and Paste it in Videos Installation folder which in most cases would be C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist. 

Step 3: Everything is done, Now Open VLC, Press CTRL+N Paste Video Playlist URL Which need to be Public. Click on Play and Enjoy all the Videos.

I Just Hope this tutorial on How to Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player Helps all you Youtube Lovers.

Step 2: Download the addon, Copy it and Paste it in Videos Installation folder which in most cases would be C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist. 

Step 3: Everything is done, Now Open VLC, Press CTRL+N Paste Video Playlist URL Which need to be Public. Click on Play and Enjoy all the Videos.

I Just Hope this tutorial on How to Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player Helps all you Youtube Lovers.

2. Coolest Youtube Tricks You Must Know

No wonder all of us are very familiar with this name YouTube . It is the biggest video streaming channel all over the world. Whenever you want to watch any new music release video , your favorite show that you missed on tv , live sports , funny videos , coolest tricks , tech videos and much much more are available anytime there on youtube.

Youtube Tricks

All these gives us reason to depend on Youtube for many purposes but apart from its usability there are many tricks which may give you a better and more efficient way to use YouTube. So here I am going to share some exciting and very useful Youtube Tricks with you.
Also Check : Top 10 Unknown Google Tricks.

5 Coolest Youtube Tricks that you must Know.

1.Set a Specific Start Time:

Many times you wish to share some video on Youtube with your friends but you want them to focus on some specific part of video and then you inform them the exact time duration from where they should start watching it. But it is possible to share video with customized or specific start time easily. All you need to do is adding some simple code in URL.

Lets say you are watching video on following URL :

http ://

Now you may simply add ” #t=01m02s ” at the end of this URL while sharing this video and it will start playing video from 1 Minute and 02 Seconds instead of it’s initial position.

 2.Set Auto Replay For Video:

Just like a Windows Media Player where you can loop and replay your favorite audio/video song infinite times , you can do the same with Youtube. All you need to do is replace Youtube with infinitelooper in the URL bar and hit enter.

Original URL :
Modified URL :

It will redirect you to a new website where you can replay your video as many times as you want. It also allows a special feature , you can set a selected area for looping which means only some special part of video can be set for looping. This is simply great isn’t it ?

 3.Watching Video With Slow Internet Speed:

Youtube is taking care of their all type of visitors from many different countries as well as of many different kinds of internet connections including very slow speed video streaming. Youtube provides a great feature called Feather Beta which allows users to enjoy videos on Youtube even if they have very slow internet connection.

Feather beta feature removes the bytes which restricts the browser speed of streaming video hence unleashes full capacity of browser to allow streaming at rapid rate. To Use This Awesome Feature you may Click here And click on Join the Feather Beta feature.

 4.Search Accurate Keyword:

Youtube is biggest video channel on internet and it gives birth to complexity that whenever you search for any video title , as a result you get thousands of results for same keyword. This makes it really challenging to find that video which you really want to watch. But there is a simple trick by using which you will be provided with videos having exactly same keywords as you have entered in search bar and no inappropriate stuff.

Youtube TricksSimply add allintitle: in the beginning of the keyword you want to search and it will show results having exactly same keywords as you searched.

5.Always Play Videos In HD:

If you have a high speed internet connection and you love watching videos in HD then this trick is for you. Most of the time videos on youtube channels have default settings and when you play them , they start with low quality in order to stream at faster rate but if you want all videos to be played in HD by default when you click them you can simply install an Add-on in your browser named Magic Actions For Youtube . This Add-on is available for Mozilla Firefox as well asgoogle chrome . Once you installed this Add-on in your browser enable the Auto HD option.

With this it ends my list of 5 Cool Youtube Tricks , you you know more and want to share  with us, Don’t Hasitate to add it in Comments.

3. Resize Image without loosing Quality – How to Guide

People hate to visit websites which require more time for loading. So one should always seek to improve the webpage load time, so to do so you have to look at many things like loading sources, page cache, media files etc. One among such media file is images, adding beauty to your page, but at the same time, it is regarded as the most bulky resources which takes much time to load on the page, thereby causing inconvenience to the visitors.

But one can improve the page load time by cutting the size of an image to a significant amount. But even resizing the image without any proper knowledge may be troublesome as you may lose the quality it had. Though photoshop provides a nice feature to save the original quality of the pic, it is not preferred much as it’s too expensive to purchase the photoshop application for desktop or web version. So here I’m going to provide you with free online tools to Resize Image without loosing Quality

Web Based Tools to Resize Image without loosing Quality :

JPEG, PNG, GIF, SIV are some of the image formats that can be compressed with this online application. This reduces the image to a quite considerable point without losing the image size.

This application is also available in Chrome and Firefox extensions

After uploading the image from your computer, give the size of the image and quality you wish to have after processing. This provides only some control of the output and compression ratio But Greatly Helps to Resize Imagewithout loosing Quality. is the best and popular online application you can have to compress images. It is present with an up-loader as well as URL box to have the image. In this you will not be provided with the ‘enter’ option to enter the image quality as that of previous one because it automatically optimizes the image by compressing it to a limit. & :

I would suggest you to have these application, for more control of the image quality. A slider appears as soon as you upload an image to auto control the quality of the last image. A preview panel is provided for showcasing the changes according to the quality slider change. So before downloading the image you can have the review of your final image. This application is available on different domains for JPG and PNG images. :

This application is available to compress the PNG files. Upload an image and you can get a compressed size of the image. Besides this, , a quick tool to compress the PNG images to the best level without affecting the image quality.

Desktop tool to Resize Image without loosing Quality

If you need a Desktop tool to do this task then i would suggest you to have PNG Gauntlet as your first choice, You will need .Microsoft Net Framework 4.0 to run this tool on your Windows.

Resize Image without loosing Quality

You won’t Face any difficulty in Using this tool as it is very User Friendly. While Optimizing the images PNG Gauntlet will show you older size and Optimized size of the image. this Program is not that Fastest at it work but Usefull.

4.Find lost Smartphone using Google’s Android Device



If you are unable to Find lost Smartphone and you haven’t loaded any app into your smartphone then you need not to worry as there is one method using which we can find your lost Android smartphone and that is by using Google’sAndroid Device Manager. If your phone is stolen or you have misplaced it anywhere in your home you can use Google’s Android Device Manger to find it.

Find lost Smartphone

All the Android smartphones come with Google Play installed in it. When you use Google Play for the first time on your Android smartphone or even on your tablet, Google installs Android device manager in your smartphone or tablet without your knowledge.

How to Activate Android Device Manager

Follow the steps below to activate Android device manager on your smartphone or tablet.

  •  Go to Settings
  •  Then move to Security
  •  Then move to Device Administrators
  • You will see some apps there and the first one would be Android Device Manager
  •  Tap on it and Activate it

Once you have activated Android device manager on your smartphone, you need to go to your web browser and follow the steps to find your lost Android device.

  • Visit the Google Play home by clicking on this link
  • You will see a Gear icon on the top right corner
  • Click on it and you will see Android device manager
  •  Click on Android device manager
  •  Once Android device manager is opened in your web browser it will automatically contact your device. The map of your country will be displayed on your web browser.
  •  Once Android Device Manager has located your smartphone you will see its location on Google Maps and the distance it is away from you right now.

Now you will have  three options there.

1Ring the Device:

This feature will ring your smartphone at fill volume for 5 minutes even if it is silent. Unfortunately the device won’t ring if it is switched off.

2.Lock the Device:

This feature will lock your Android smartphone and will be provided a new password to access it. You can set your desired password on your lost smartphone.

3.Erase all Data :

Using this feature all the data which is present in your Android smartphone will be deleted which will include images, music or other files. However it won’t delete the contents of your SD card and Android device manager won’t work once you have erased all the data. It will Factory reset your smartphone.

Apps to Find lost Smartphone

If you are looking for an app which can find lost Smartphone then we suggest you to check Android Lost, a great app which will remotely control your lost Android smartphone.

Alternatively to Find lost Smartphone you can always have Find my Phone as a Secondary Option.

5. Websites to Download eBooks Free

It would be nice if we can Download eBooks Free and take it with us on our devices, as it is not possible to take a book to any place as it may be fat and also includes the weight and we can`t get the frequent updates for it. There are many sites where eBooks can be obtained for free, downloaded and can be enjoyed from any Android device.

For popular and “new release” reading materials or magazine, an online eStore like Amazon or Barnes & Noble is essential but this sites are not free of cost. So here are some of the websites that gives you free downloadable eBookSpecially for Tech Students.

Download eBooks Free

5 Best Websites to Download eBooks Free


It is an online store for free ebook authors, ebook resources, ebook downloads. Besides of it you can also download free magazines from it. Each ebook has its own short review in the description. You can also submit your own ebook, you just need to become a member of the Free-EBooks.Net to access their library. You can Register it for free.


2.Many Books:


It provides you with free ebooks for your eBook Reader, iPod or PDA. You can browse for any ebook through the most recommendations or recent reviews from visitors or you can even search and download free books in categories like scientific, engineering, programming, which you may feel interesting. There are 23,568sss eBooks available in it and they’re all free.

Goto :


It is a unique ebook Publishing house, specialized in free eBook downloads. It also provides an excellent Star rating Showcase for new and evolving authors to come front with their thoughts or ideas.  It is very well categorized by topics which is friendly to use, and it also consists of 10 top level categories, and over 125 sub-categories.


It is a free website for ebook where users are able to exchange e-books for free and it also gives video training and other materials for educational purposes and also includes self-practice. It consists of thousands of documents like literature, lists, maps, databases, technical references, etc.


5.Online Free ebook:

It provides various links to various ebooks (pdf format) spanning in 9 categories which are used fors daily purposes, they are: Business Ebooks, Gadget Ebooks, Engineering Ebooks, Automotive Ebooks, Health & Medical Ebooks , Hobbies Ebooks, Hardware Ebooks, Sport & Martial Art Ebooks, Programming & Technology Ebooks. It is especially designed to add all this stuffs in your Pocket PC, EPOC, Windows CE, Symbian or other handheld device.


 Some more Free Websites to Download E-books :

I hope this article will help you to Get Your Desired E-Book that you need, If you know any other Best Website to Download eBooks Free, Than please add a Comment.



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